Youth Ministry

"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

“empowering young people to boldly, confidently, and wholeheartedly follow Jesus in today’s world”

“to imbue the knowledge of a living loving God who shapes the way we live, work, and relate to one
another; to mentor each young person toward their true identity which is only in Christ, where passion is
ignited to live responsibly before the Lord, hope is broadened so that pursuits are rightly inspired, and
radiant possibilities are within reach”

Welcome to Calvary Chapel Berkeley’s Youth Ministry. Through Jesus’ example of servant-leadership, we prioritize commitment to the Lord and His Word first, which fully shapes and develops our faith and how we live it out. Our hearts are to bring students into the understanding that true meaning to life can’t be found anywhere without the grace of their heavenly Father, through a personal relationship with their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Our vision and mission are to strengthen and empower our youth to live healthy, responsible, and respectful lives before God, family, church, friends, and beyond. Prayer, monthly gatherings, bible studies, and fun outings are all designed to establish a solid foundation in the faith where young people are motivated and inspired to soar (rise or increase dramatically). Our highly respected ministry leaders oversee all meetings and events while providing guidance and biblical instruction. We are committed to help each student understand how much they are valuedby God, and we trust that the fruit of that commitment will be contagious!

John and Noreen Susinno
Youth Directors

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