Welcome to our Men’s Ministry. We make it our mission to serve first, lead second, and to remain humble. Sharpening men to become Godly husbands, fathers, and leaders by God’s divine design, is to embrace Paul’s admonishment to Timothy to “exercise and train in godliness.” (1 Timothy 4:7) We believe strong Godly men build strong families, churches, and communities. We aspire to be men who have a clear vision about God’s purposes for manhood through the continual study of His word and prayer. Our priority is to follow the lead of Jesus and to be made and molded into His image. As gospel-centered authentic Christian men, our hearts are to equip and encourage one another in the faith, as “iron sharpens iron,” and support one another against things that would otherwise cause us to stumble. We honor God first and believe that it is by His presence that we have the courage to prosper in whatever we do. As it was with Gideon, no aspect of true valor could come to pass without it. Under the influence of the Holy Spirit, we can “walk the walk and talk the talk” with confidence and boldness as we fulfill God’s plans and purposes, all to His glory.